Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ricks Forever!

Do you see me???
I got something in the mail from Ricks (I refuse to call it BYU-I) saying that it's been 10 years since they changed it to BYU-I. That  means it's been 10 years since I received my associates from there and left darling Rexburg and haven't been back, so sad I know. Anyway, it is UNBELIEVABLE how much has changed! It seems like every singe building has been remodeled and they've added so many new buildings. The student population has doubled.

Looking at all the before's made me so nostalgic for my Ricks days. I loved my time at BYU in Provo, I mean I met Steve there for Pete sake, and made life long friends, but my Ricks years were just special, you know? Anyone who went there back when it was smaller and there were only freshman and sophomores there knows what I'm talking about... I was lucky enough to have my sister Regan there with me and we were neighbors both years. I was also lucky enough to be roomies with Amanda Crane both years and she is still one of my favorite people, even though we don't see each other nearly enough anymore.

There isn't much to do in Rexburg, but because of that we created so many things to do! A few of my YW are there right now and I am trying to re-live the college days through them and it makes me so excited that they are experiencing what I did. Okay, enough of this I guess. If you want to check out all the changes over the past 10 years check out this link.

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