Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My etsy store

I'm pretty late on the etsy bandwagon, but I've now finally opened a store. I've thought of putting my vinyl on it for quite a while, but the vinyl lettering market is pretty overly saturated so I held off. I recently started making these cute diaper/wipe holders and decided to open up a shop with those and my vinyl. It's too much work to put individual vinyl sayings on there, so I am just doing custom orders for the lettering. I'm not sure if I'll get much traffic, but I needed some sort of online ordering for my vinyl because whenever I do craft fairs people ask for it. Anyway, take a look at Loveybumpkins!

1 comment:

Laura Horne said...

I love the diaper and wipes holders...so cute. I'll have to remember that for the next baby shower I get invited too.