Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Way to go buddy!

I have to give Carson a shout-out for being a FANTASTIC SLEEPER lately. He's always been a good sleeper. (I think it's because he is non-stop while his is awake.) But for the past month he has been exceptional.  This kid has been going to sleep at 7:30 pm, waking up in the morning at 7:30 am and taking a 2-3 hour nap. I think the Lord knows I need this right now! I am so warn-out every day, this saves me. Keep it up buddy!


Lindsay Griffeth said...

oh, i miss those days.

No naps anymore out of Nate are a killer! And Ryan is the worst napper EVER.

but I'm happy for YOU!

kelleyplus said...

I too was amazed at what a great sleeper he is, except for the day he was supposed to sleep when you went to get your nails done! So funny that he saw his mama's shoes and burst into tears, then grabbed them and walked around the house with them until you came home.

Laurel said...

yes, you do deserve his good sleeping behavior. Soak it up.