Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Interesting Baby facts

I get a weekly update from babycenter.com and this week it had some interesting things to say.

--The good news is that your baby's drool coats toys and other objects with disease-preventing proteins. That's fortunate — since she'll continue to explore anything she can get her hands on.

--Whether your baby is a night owl or a morning lark, a long sleeper or short sleeper, she'll probably stay that way throughout childhood.

--Can you spoil a baby? Answer, No and once he understands that you take his cries seriously, he'll be less likely to cry for no reason. In the long run, responding quickly to your baby's needs will make him less clingy and demanding, not more.

1 comment:

Lindsay Griffeth said...

So does that mean I'm destined to be awake at 6:00am every morning forever? :)