Sunday, October 7, 2012

Home Depot, the answer to all your problems...

I love how simple things are to a 3-yr-old. Here are two recent examples involving one of the Bonner hangouts, Home Depot:
  • Today I gave a homeless man at an intersection a few dollars. Lately we've been explaining to Carson about homeless people. He said, "Let's just give him a ride to Home Depot and he can buy the things to build a house then he won't be homeless anymore."
  • Carson is really into outer space. Tonight I was telling him a story about going in a rocket ship to the moon with all his friends. He said he wants to go there for real and I explained how only astronauts go, it's expensive, dangerous, it's hard to find a rocket ship, etc. He said very matter-of-factly, "I know, we can just go to home depot and buy all the things we need to build a rocket ship and Dad can build it in the backyard!" 
Sidenote: I'm sure to all you Mom's of little kids out there think these little conversations aren't much, but they are huge to me. Carson has a lot of speech issues and until just recently we've been able to understand more of the complex thoughts and thought processes that he's been trying to communicate to us for so long. I am finally getting to know some of the detailed thoughts going on in my little boy's head. It's an answer to a lot of fervent prayers. We still have a long way to go, but we are getting there.

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