Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Carson 3 1/2 Year Update

Carson is a kid now. It is weird getting used to. He is just getting taller and taller and more and more skinny. I can’t believe I have a big boy. Carson is the epitome of a boy. He likes to play hard and rough. He loves friends that will run and chase with him and play super hero and pretend karate fighting. You can only imagine how well he plays with little girls and kids who don’t like to play roughKids his age either think he is the funnest playmate or they stay away.

His vocabulary is growing every day. Vocab-wise he is right on target. Annunciation, not so much. He is around an early two-year-old level with annunciation. So it’s a double edged sward. He can say so much more, which means percentage wise we can understand a lot less. We are very proud of him though. He has been improving a lot. Friends of mine have made comments that they are able to understand him much more. He does get frustrated, but for the most part he is pretty patient with us trying to understand. He does a lot of mimicking and sound-effects to help us out. =)

Unfortunately one of his favorite things is T.V. and it is a constant struggle trying to limit it. It helps that we are so busy and always seem to be out doing things. His regular pre-school is out for the summer, but I have him in two 3-week sessions at the community center with a few of his friends. He loves that.

Carson is a good brother. He loves to have Luke around and loves to get him to laugh. We are still working on reminding Carson (sometimes by the use of timeout) that he can’t play too rough with Luke because he is so much smaller. Carson loves when the WHOLE family goes places together. Swimming still tops his favorite things list. He is quite amazing. He is a completely independent swimmer now. Jumping off the diving board and swimming to the wall, etc. He can swim down to the bottom of the shallow end and grab and toy. He is something else.

Life is full of joy and excitement with a 3, going on 4, year old!  

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