I hate when my kids are bad sleepers!
We let Carson stay up 1 1/2 hrs later than usual on Sunday b/c we had so friends over for the Super Bowl. Low and behold he woke up at 5am the next morning. Last night he laid in bed for almost 2 hrs (calling for mom and dad on and off) before he finally fell asleep at 9pm. Of course he woke up at 5am again. So not only am I not getting much sleep, he is a grumpy, emotional boy all day. His naps are horrible too. It's my own fault. We shouldn't have let him stay up. That's what threw him off. He just isn't the kind of kid who can go off his sleeping schedule.
Luke is killing me too. He is in that horrible transition from two naps to one. I hate this time where two is too much and one isn't enough. It also doesn't help that I am trying to ween him too. Their naps haven't been overlapping lately either so that means no break for me. Yuck.
Luckily they are both down right now and hopefully they will both take great naps today. I deserve it. Maybe I'll go take a nap...
There's my complaining for the day. Thanks for listening.
3 days ago
Non-overlapping naps are the WORST! I hope their sleeping straightens out soon.
oooh, man! I'm sorry! We are super strict with the bedtime hour, too and Nate has FINALLY gotten to where if he's up a little late it doesn't completely throw him off for a week!
And the nap transition is always rough. Hope it works itself out, soon for you!
Baby, I'm so sorry. What can I do? Little rascals. Keep saying to yourself what Julie Beck told us to say, " I can do hard things".
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