Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hoarder in Training

Carson has turned a bathroom drawer into his collection box apparently. What's in there you are wondering? Well, pinata candy from a party a month ago, dental floss things from the dentist, little toys,airplane peanuts, Valentines, you know the important things in life.

When I was a kid if I got candy I ate it, if I got a new thing to play with I played with it. Not Carson, he puts it in his drawer.

Any show on T.V. on hoarding makes me ill. Should I be worried experts???


Lindsay Griffeth said...

Nate is the same way! I finally gave him a tool box that he has to keep in his room with all of his "treasures." He calls it his treasure box and sometimes even lets other kids choose something out of it!

Laurel said...

that is hilarious!

kelleyplus said...

He is quite the kid for sure-