Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Creating a Nursery & Other Baby Stuff

Below are pictures of the crib we got off of craigslist from a lady in San Ramon, the glider and ottoman also a craigslist find from Oakland, and the changing table/hutch from the Green Valley community garage sale. I love buying stuff used b/c it is a lot nicer then the junk I could afford new. I mean just those 3 items would be around $1,640 new before tax. Yeah right. I think we got it all for $430.
Early in my pregnancy I found my dream stroller on craigslist in San Fransisco and had to have it. It was more then I wanted to pay for a used stroller, but I didn't care. Isn't it cute? In the picture it is set up as a bassinet, but it can be a regular stroller too. I thought it wouldn't be very hard to find the matching peg perego car seat, but boy, was I wrong. They stopped making them in 2007. I found one on ebay after months of searching, but they were going for around $250, for a USED car seat. Please. Luckily, I have a great husband who found one in Fresno and got the lady to mail it to us. Thanks Steve! I love it.

I also have random baby clothes (that I have been collecting since high school), some toys, and other little things. Nothing exciting enough to take a picture of. Now that I have the big items I am going to cool it for a while. Just a few more days of freedom before summer school starts. It is nice to relax!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Unemployment has never felt so sweet
I am 17 weeks along now. I am feeling better, but definitely not back to my old self. (Not sure if I ever will be). Warning, gross story... Last week I went to the gym and then ran some errands. I was getting hungry, which is the worst thing for a pregnant lady. It causes nausea faster then anything else. I didn't want to stop and get something to eat, so I tried to fight it. What happened might you ask? I threw up while I was driving. It was horrible. The poor Avalon will never be the same. Luckily, I didn't cause an accident or anything!
We've been enjoying good summer weather. On Thursday we went up the lake (45 min from our house) with friends to ski. Yesterday We took out our boat with friends for a few hours out on the Delta (10 min from our house). Steve's parents get home from their mission in a few weeks and they are coming to get it, so we have to get in all the boat time we can!
Sorry no pictures on this post. I'll do better next time!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Host
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Annie & Cody's Wedding

ption. There were no disasters this time. The reception was beautiful and everyone had fun.