Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kendall's Birthday!

I like to do a barbeque and invite a few families over for my kids' first birthdays. Kendall's party was a fun one. The boys were so excited to help decorate. Carson kept telling Kendall what a "big girl baby" she is now. She was very excited about the whole thing too. She loved looking at the decorations and all the chaos the kids brought to the night.

I bought the Chinese lanterns and made the pom poms.
I attempted a cake. I don't know much about cake decorating to say the least. I found a tutorial on pintrest and it turned out pretty cute.
The Callisters and Garcias joined us for the extravaganzas


Unknown said...

That cake would have made my mother proud! It turned out adorable Leah! Kendall is the sweetest and the easiest. Thank you Lord for sending Kendall to Leah!

Unknown said...

Sorrry but that was Mom not Leah!