Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Boating

 We got the boat mid-August and were able to get on on the lake 6 times. Pretty good I'd say. We took a different family each trip and everyone has had a blast. Steve is in Heaven. He's been able to take up work friends and forgot how enjoyable boating is without kids! The boys love it and Kendall doesn't mind it too much. I am enjoying the sunshine, water and wake boarding. It's fun to wake board behind a boat that has wake meant for wake boarding. I am feeling a little more confident in the boat driving capabilities as well... Luke will not tube "too scary", but loves to swim in the water. Carson is a crazy man on the tube, loves to wake board with Steve and will knee board, but is still a little timid in that area. I haven't taken too many pictures on the boat, but here's a few.

Steve wake boarding with Jackson Rice
Luke playing on the tube while it is not being towed. This was a pretty big deal!

Kendall after she said her first word. The boys were yelling "hit it" over and over. Kendall joined in and said hit it a few times. It was awesome.


Unknown said...

That just looks like a blast!!! Everyone is having such a great time.

Unknown said...

Mom again.