Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can't believe July is almost over

My Mom was here this weekend which was so fun. I didn't take any pictures though! Carson enjoyed having his Grandma around and having an extra person to show-off to. Thanks for coming Mom, I always love your visits! A few weeks ago I had an ultrasound and the tech said it looked like a boy, but it's still pretty early and she couldn't be sure. I had another one this last week and the doctor still couldn't tell. I guess we are going to have to wait until 20 weeks like they say... I am thinking boy though, it's the way both of them were thinking. Carson 2.0 here we come. I'm hoping for a calmer one who will sit on my lap and listen to stories and do puzzles... So, I'm 16 weeks now and still sick. Hopefully only a few more weeks. Carson has seem me throwing-up in the toilet and now he sticks his head in there and tries to drink water like a dog. I guess that is what he thinks I've been doing? Yuck.

Steve and I gave talks today at church. It was nice to have my Mom there. She kept Carson entertained in the halls and parking lot while we were on the stand. We talked about church history, namely the pioneers in honor of Pioneer Day. It was really a great topic to be able to speak on, but I am so glad it's over! During my talk I read a portion of my journal from when I did a pioneer trek in 1997. 1997 was the sesquicentennial celebration (150 year anniversary) of the pioneers crossing the plans. Here is that entry for any who are interested.

June 22, 1997
1997 is the 150 year anniversary of the pioneers crossing the plains. All year it seems like every lesson and talk at church has been about pioneers! Even though it has been a little over kill at times I’ve really appreciated all this new stuff I’ve learned about the early members of the church. I was really excited to go on the pioneer trek this summer. I guess youth all over the world are doing the same thing. Well, I just got back from the pioneer trek and it sure was an experience! We drove to Ohi and did a 11 mile hike with handcarts. It was SO HOT, especially in our long dresses, that’s right, full pioneer attire. It was a hard being in a dress, pulling a handcart in 106 degree heat but it really helped me to have more insight into what it was like to be a pioneer and how strong they were. We were all divided into families to push handcarts with. They gave our family a fake baby to take with us. At first it seemed really silly to be carrying around this doll but we gave her a name and she became part of the family. Half way on our trip our “Ma and Pa” told us that she died. We had to leave her on the side of the road under leaves. I was surprised how sad it was even though she wasn’t real. I can’t imagine the heartbreak these families went through to leave their loved ones in shallow graves along the trail. Once we arrived at “Zion” we set-up camp with our families. The leaders already at Zion made it such a joyous occasion for us when we arrived. Once again I can’t imagine what it must have felt like for the saints once they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. Our trek was miniscule compared to what the pioneers did. I am in owe of their sacrifice and the faith they had in order to do what they did. Learning about them and hearing their stories makes me what to be a better person. It makes me know that I can do hard things too and standup for what I know is right and good. I feel very blessed that my ancestors are a part of these amazing people.


Amanda said...

I hope you feel better soon. I was hardly sick with Katherine, and then with Adam I was sick for nearly 6 months! I think I started feeling better right before Thanksgiving, around 24 weeks ugh. Must be a boy thing. Speaking of which, I am excited for another nephew! What could be cuter than a pair of Bonner boys? Not much, thats what. But of course, if it turns into a girl, I'll be equally excited of course! You should go to Dr. Devore when we are visitng! Keep me updated! Give me a call so we can catch up!

Aleena said...

You and Steve both gave excellent talks! Great job! And I met your mom in the hall with Carson, she is very sweet. And good luck with the next few weeks of pregnancy, hopefully your morning sickness will go away soon!

andrea said...

I have been thinking of you a lot! First off I am SO excited for you that you are pregnant! I am sorry you haven't been feeling great. I love you!