I feel like I haven't posted for a while... Here are some things that have been going on.
- Just this morning I heard yelling/crying and went to check it out. I'm sure it was Carson who did something to make Luke mad. They didn't know I was watching and I saw Luke hit Carson three times in a row. I guess we're at that stage now...
- I've been altering my summer shirts from last year which is exciting. I really like some of them, but they've gotten too baggy... Some have turned out cute and others not so much. I won't have any great post-preggo summer clothes if I alter all of them, but I can't help but be excited.
- Potty training is still, well, in training. When we are at home I have him in underwear, but when we go out or he goes to pre-school he's in a pull-up. When I put him on the toilet he usually goes, but he won't ever go just on his own. He'll just go in his pants. He doesn't seem to care much. Any advice???
- It's been really hot the past few days. We went to Sandy Beach on Friday to enjoy the heat. Luke saw Carson being buried and wanted to be too. I thought he'd freak-out, but he loved it. Steve buried him up to his chest and he thought he was so cool. (This is the only picture I have off my phone.) We've been doing tons of water balloons and playing in our kiddie pool in the back yard too. Today is the first cool day we've had in a while and the kids are mad I won't let them get wet. (Also pictured is Luke playing in my friend's fountain at a birthday party we went to last week. I was not a swimming party, but Luke sure thought it was.)

- I think naps are officially done with Carson. =( He was about half and half, but whenever he took a nap it would take him at least an hour to fall asleep at night, so I'm cutting them. If we drive anywhere in the afternoon he'll usually dooze, but that's about it. Quite time has been going okay. The frustrating thing is he's been sleeping in until 7 am (which he never did before) and Luke's been waking up between 5:30 and 6am. I can't catch a break.
- Luke doesn't talk much which worries me a little bit because of Carson's speech delay. I decided to wait until he's 1 1/2 years old and then get him tested. Hopefully he'll start talking soon and we won't have to deal with this with him too.
That's probably enough to bore you for now!
Potty training is the WORST for me. Especially with the boy child. Here's what finally worked for us...
Take him to the store and pick out a BIG prize (something he'd really want). Then, put it somewhere he can see it with a sticker chart. He gets a sticker for every time he goes potty and when he fills the chart he gets to play with the toy. Do this until no more accidents, and then he can have the toy.
That part my pediatrician told me. I improvised a little and took a sticker off the chart when he had an accident. That made him really sad =( There weren't many accidents after that though.
Good luck, it will pass!
Love the update. I just stayed at home all day trying to potty train Ami and just had accidents and total disregard all day for it. I'm so over it. SHe is so stubborn I have just realized that I'm not going to kill myself over it, I'll just wait till she's ready. It's great that Carson will sit and go. I think you should just keep it up. I like Laura's idea...except never take star off a chart for something they already did. I might actually try and do a chart when I feel like Ams is more ready. I feel ya sister, it sucks.
I love how Luke is no longer Mister nice guy. It's so fun to see them come into thier own power. So, the "girls" are shrinking finally after what probably feels like 3 years of nursing! So happy for you-
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