Yes, those are remnants of carrots in his nose. I love it when he sucks on his bottom lip!
He looks so proud of himself in this one.
Mom and Dad just love watching me explore my world. Mom and I spend a lot of time in the back yard lying on a blanket. I love to watch the birds and see the trees sway in the wind. I am the happiest when I am outside. I am the angriest when I am in the car. I hate being in the car, strapped into my car seat and you better believe that I let everyone know it! It drives Mom and Dad Crazy.
Each day I seem to discover something new that my body can do. I can roll over from my tummy to back and then onto my tummy again. I don’t do it very often because it is still a little tricky and I get frustrated. Mom makes me practice every day though. It shouldn’t be much longer before I can sit on my own. I am a very happy boy. I love to be tickled and love to smile and giggle. Mom and Dad call me a drool monkey, because I drool all the time! My shirts are usually drenched. At least I am not spitting up as much.I started eating solid foods this month. Mom gives me a little bit of baby food fruit or vegetables mixed with rice cereal every morning. I am still a little unsure about solids, but am starting to come around.
My favorite thing is when Daddy takes me outside in the Baby Bijorn. If feel so proud of myself when I am up high with him. It gives me the best view of everything. I still love to be in my Johnny Jump-up. I am getting really good at jumping high. I squeal in delight whenever I accomplish a particularly cool jump. I love watching my Baby Einstein- Mozart DVD Aunt Laura got me for Christmas. It is 30 minutes long and I am completely captivated the entire time. I could watch it over and over if Mom let me!
A few times a week I’ll sleep through the night, but I usually wake up around 5:00 am to eat, and then fall asleep again. Mom knows I am capable of making it through the night, but she doesn’t have the energy to let me cry it out. I am a very stubborn little boy and will cry for over an hour if needs be! I always seem to wake up at 6:30 and Mom lets me hangout in my crib until 7:00. An average day consists of an hour or so nap at 8:30am, a two to three hour nap at 12:30pm, and an hour or so nap at 5:30pm. I go to bed at 8:30 pm. I always wake up happy and smiling because it is so fun to start a new day!
Look at those baby blues! What an adorable little guy. I am proud to be related to him, he's just beautiful :)
Oh my goodness, he's so big and cute! I love his polka dot bedding. Did you make that?
is he seriously 6 months already? i think its time for a carson update. is he crawling yet?
So adorable Leah! Can't believe it's been 6 months.
Oh he is really so cute, I just cannot get over it. Hopefully we'll see you guys soon so he can bond with his aunty. Ahh the beach, that is somewhere I will be maybe everyday this summer.
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