Monday was my sister Annie's 25th birthday. Happy birthday Annie. For the next 6 Day's until my sister Regan's birthday our ages are: Regan 28, Leah 27, Becky 26, and Annie 25. Can you imagine 4 little girls all under the age of 4! Wow Mom, you are amazing! After us 4 she spaced the last 3 a little more. I was trying to find a picture of "the 4 big girls" as we were referred to while growing-up, but all the pictures I have is with all 5 of my sisters. So here is one on my wedding day with Steve's sibling's girls.
I've come to the conclusion that moms of a lot of kids (especially that close together) have a certain personality & I don't have it! :)
When I got up with Carson that first night for his 3:30 feeding, the memories of those days with all my girls at 3:30 am came rushing back to me and I was filled with joy. My dream come true! The still of the night, the warm soft babe in my arms, and God's presence at that moment are days never to be forgotten. Thank you for allowing me to revisit those days with Carson!
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