
Okay, so he is not 6 months for 2 more weeks, but I thought I should take advantage of having a driver around while my Mom was here. The little stinker didn't smile for any of the pictures, but I thought they turned out pretty cute anyway. Here are a few of my favorites. Let me know which ones you like! The last one with his foot popped up in the air is priceless. They had me sign a waver so they can use it as a display in the store.
i love him! i get a wallet right?
Are you kidding me with that last picture, no wonder they wanted it for a display, he is a model baby. Thanks again for getting us that stuff, you guys are so great. I wish I could come with you in June, I'm sure I'd find a jackpot of goods. Love you
Wow those are so cute! I'd have to say the first b&w one is my favorite. What a handsome little guy! I can't wait to see the three of you again!
So adorable Leah! I love the first one. He looks so much like you. I can't believe how big he is. So precious!!
And to think I was right there!
So cute! Where did you get these done? I need to take Bryan in! Can you believe our boys are already 6 months old? Carson is so cute!!!
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