So I know this is my 4th post in 2 days, forgive me. I just finished watching the Jon and Kate Plus Eight premiere and it was heartbreaking. It is so sad seeing Jon and Kate so unhappy and that there is talk of divorce. I feel bad for the kids. They talked about how they don't know what the future holds (if they will be together or not) but that they love their kids and will always have their best interest in mind.

Rarely is divorce in the best interest of the child in my opinion. It has got to be so hard for them to be in the public eye all the time and under so much scrutiny. I remember Jon and Kate saying several seasons back that whenever anyone in their family does not want to do the show anymore they will pull the plug. Last season's finale Jon said that he didn't want to do it anymore, but Kate did- and look they are back on the air. Hopefully they will work it out. If I ever am asked to do a reality show (which I'm sure I won't be) remind me to say no. It is too hard on a marriage. Some of you will probably make fun of me for this post. I don't know these people personally but I feel so sorry for them anyway.
First of all I am very happy that this is your 4th post in two days. I love looking at your blog and seeing updates. Second, I am so sad about Jon and Kate too!
Don't you think that Jon just wants his wife home and his family "normal"? He seems like a really nice guy that would totally take care of his family.
Kate seems like the one obsessed with the limelight.
regan and i watched it together. i felt like crying when jon was talking to alexis and she said "i dont want you to leave anymore." so sad!
I watched too (of course) and I cried through most of it, it was absolutely heart wrenching. I feel blessed to have the gospel in my life to help me with my marriage because they are clearly very lost with no one to turn to. Their situation is very real and relatable, I think, we all can get into situations where our lives take us in two extreme directions but with the gospel we aren't grasping for the answers in the dark. I hope they can work it out...Go Jon and Kate!!
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