Humor me for a while…It’s been a tough week! The baby is sitting on a nerve or something because for the last 2 weeks I have been having constant pain in my lower back. I met with the doctor last week and he said it will most likely get worse with the baby getting bigger. I am having a hard time just walking let alone chasing/carrying Carson around. I still don’t feel like I’m ready for this baby to come, but if I have to be in pain 3 ½ more weeks then let’s get him out!
Anyway, Steve was out of town for the past 6 DAYS! For 3 days of that Carson had the flu and couldn’t keep anything down. Poor guy lost 4 lbs. (Poor mom too with the constant cleaning of diarrhea and throw-up.) So yep, it’s been a really hard week. Steve got back last night and has promised not to go anywhere else for a while. We’ve had a fun day today all together. Carson is so excited that his Dad is home and I am so happy not to be lifting, carrying, or chasing him for a whole day. All is right in the world again… Okay, my pity party is over now. Thanks for bearing with me.
Carson being a big "helper" today with the Christmas lights. |
I love that he insisted on being on the nicer, cooler ladder. |
I'm so sorry that you have had such a tough week. I hate those last few weeks of pregnancy! It really is the pits and you can't really understand unless you have been through it. I will say a little prayer for you!
I'm so glad he didn't fall and crack his head!!! I'm so glad Steve is home now. You managed quite well I would say. Really? 4 pounds? Is that even possible with a 2 year old?
I think it's funny that Steve let him on the bigger nicer ladder, now we know who runs the household - Carson! I'm really sorry that you are feeling uncomfortable in your pregnancy and that Steve was gone for 6 whole days! Next time call and let me take Carson for a few hours! By the way I got the pampered chef stuff from my mom. Thanks! I am missing some TwixIt clips that I ordered though. Anyway, I'm glad you have your husband back and I hope you start feeling better. :)
Poor Leah! I can only imagine how aweful that was! I hope I can continue to only imagine it cause I never want that kind of a situation on my hands! Love you so much and keep plugg'n along!
i'm sorry you had such a rough week. Your pity party was well deserved. Wish I was closer and could come help you. You're an amazing trooper!
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