My cousin J.R. died January 11th at the age of 23 from pneumonia/ ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). He and his family all had the flu over Christmas but were feeling better. He drove from his parent's house in Sandy back to Provo where he was attending school. He ended up driving himself to the ER in Provo because he was having a hard time breathing. He was put on a respirator and passed away after an 11 day stay in the hospital. It has been quite a shock to the entire family. He was a perfectly healthy young man and it is hard to believe that something like the flu could have killed him. His funeral was this past Saturday so Carson and I flew to Utah to be there. Steve couldn't get away from work. It was wonderful to see so much family and to be together. The funeral was heartbreaking, but uplifting because of our knowledge that he is with family that has passed on before, with our Lord and Savior, and that we will all see him again. I really can't imagine what his parents and siblings are feeling and try not to because I get to emotional. The thought of losing my brother Brian or my own son is more then I can't take. I, along with so many others are constantly thinking of them and praying for them. Here are a few pictures at a family luncheon after the services.
Carson and Grandpa

Grandma Knudsen posing with us.

My cousin Jessica holding Danielle's baby Zane.

Us and my cousin Nicole

A generation shot. Carson would only cooperate if he could suck on a Sprite can. (Sounds about right...)

Siblings, cousins, aunts.
I am so sorry Leah, what a hard thing!
The gospel sure does make things like this a little easier. I am very sorry.
Wow....I am looking fantastic. It was so fun seeing you, and Carson!
LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I hurt for you and your family. We really need to have a visit. A really really long one.
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