We spent a week in Washington with Steve's family for Christmas and had a lot of fun. It was just us and his parents for the first few days, then after Christmas Steve's sister Gail came with her 7 (1/2) kids. Carson was in heaven playing with all the big boys! It was really really cold there. Poor Carson wasn't use to wearing a big coat. It was tricky for him to get his balance with it on. We did get a little snow while we were there which always makes things seem so much more Christmas-y. The Bonner woman are huge after Christmas shoppers! Early on the 26th we hit up a few stores in the mall, Walmart, and Target. I found tons of great deals much to Steve's dismay =). Today I went back to Target and all Christmas is now 75% off. I bought all plastic ornament bulbs for next year. (No explanation needed for that purchase...)
Anyway it was a great trip. It had been a while since we've been in Richland and felt good to be back. We were able to see many friends that Steve grew-up with and a few mutual friends from college. The only bummer was driving up and back. It wasn't too bad going up. The roads were clear and it took 12 hours. On the way back we had to go the long way through Portland because the roads were closed in Bend, so it ended up taking 14 hours, yuck. Carson did so well, we were lucky there. We have learned that it is better to drive through the middle of the night with kids. Carson slept most of the drive. So now back to reality. Unpacking, putting Christmas away, getting organized. Well-- I hope everyone had a great Christmas and had a fun New Years last night!
Every Christmas Eve Steve's extended family has a dinner, acts out the nativity and plays games. During the games Santa doorbell ditches and leaves a gift for everyone. All the men and boys always end up with some sort of Nerf gun. Carson was loving being a part of the war.
Carson coming down the stairs Christmas morning. He didn't seem too excited...
Playing outside in the freezing cold. What a trooper.
Carson is absolutely adorable! Glad you had fun in Washington . . . 14 hours in the car? Wow!
Oh fun!!! Movies and pictures. Sounds like a great Christmas minus the freezing cold.
He looks so cute all bundled up in his jacket! Just remember that it can always be worse- you could be in Rexburg. Great post!
That's a long time in the car! But, sounds like it was a good trip. Love the videos as usual. i laughed out loud when he fell off the stair...what kind of mother am I going to be?
I must say your family pics (down a few posts) are fabulous. Such a cute family. Love ya!
so I'm sure you cut your hair like ages ago, but since I haven't been looking at anyone's blogs in forever, just seeing it now - WOW - you are such a babe. Looks awesome.
What are fun fun time it looks like you guys had, by the way :)
Oh and ps, I am calling you back tomorrow - today just kind of went a little crazy
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