Well- I am back home. My Grandma's services were just beautiful. There were well over 300 people there. My Dad's eulogy was great and the "Kelley Girls" (me and my 5 sisters) song, Wind Beneath my Wings actually sounded great! My Grandma's Good Friend Ronnie Miashiro came from Hawaii to be there. He is a professional pianist and really jazzed up the piece. AND none of us cried during it. Grandma created and led the Sun City Singers a choir in her retirement community. They sang a few numbers and sounded wonderful. Grandma would have loved it- after all she did plan it all out, even down to what type of sandwiches she'd like served after the funeral! It was very sad to know we'd never see her again in this life, but everyone was so happy that she was with those who she loved who passed on before her. Side note---For those of you interested my no sugar thing has been going pretty good. I was sugar free before Arizona, but splurged a few times there. It is always harder when you are out of town.

It was so nice being with family. All of my siblings flew/drove in and we stayed at my Grandma Knudsen's house. She is in Oregon all summer so we had the place all to ourselves. I had to sleep in the same room as Carson. Needless to say I didn't sleep well the whole time we were there. How do moms co-sleep? Anyway, we were able to see cousins from my Mom's side and cousins from my Dad's side. I don't know what it is, but there is really something special about cousins. When I was young I was always so excited to see them and still am even though we are all adults now. It seems like the only time any of us see each other any more is at weddings and funerals. Does that happen to all families? To escape the heat we went swimming twice.
Carson went swimming for the first time and loved it! He is officially a water baby now. We were in the pool for at least 2 hours and he had a ball. I wish we had a pool here. Another side note---I don't know how you Arizonians do it. It is SO freakin' hot there. I guess it is something you just have to get used to.

It is kind of nice that I can't drive right now. Carson is so sick of the car, I'd feel horrible if I put him in it. It is great to be home and to see Steve. Everything looks so green here! I am thrilled to sleep in my own bed tonight, and to have Carson all the way down the hall in his crib. I'm sure in a few days I'll be bored out of my mind again wishing I was on another trip, but for now I am looking forward to staying at home all day tomorrow.
1 comment:
We loved seeing you! Carson is such a cutie! Here is a link to my flickr account...if you click on the top folder called, "Carson" you can see some of the pool photos. I'll email them to you in the morning!
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