After 6 weeks of letting my back heal I finally was able to make it back to the gym. Glorious! Carson is over 6 months now too and can go to the Kids Club. He was the youngest in there but he did pretty good. You could tell he felt like such a cool kid being in there with all the big kids. They did page Steve once because Carson spit-up and they didn't know if he was sick...I don't think they have spent too much time with babies. Anyway, I was able to go to my favorite class. I love the cycling class at 24 hour. There is nothing like it! If you've never done spin you've got to do it. It is the most extreme 1 hour workout. It felt so good to be back.
i love love love the cycling classes here on campus. annie and i are probably going tonight. i have been really into yoga and pilates lately too for some reason. you are lucky that they have people to watch carson. youd think at byu idaho theyd have like a daycare center at the gym or something but nope. i guess brian and i are destined to never work out together. oh well.
I went to the gym today too. I only rode the stationay bike, but it felt great.
I miss spin classes! How fun that you guys can go to the gym together. Leah, I have loved looking at your blog. The pictures your cousin took are SO beautiful. Carson is so so cute. Also, I LOVED your journal entry. I for some reason thought it was so funny when you wrote, "Waste of Time." :)
You so just inspired me... i was feeling very discouraged but now im gonna try and step it up with this class!!!
officially feeling like a big fat slug. Thanks. :)
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