Thursday, October 31, 2013

Kendall’s Birth Story

Kendall came 2 ½ weeks early and while I am glad she came early I was really hoping for another week or so to get ready, but we are glad she is here! So, here is the birth story for anyone interested…

I woke up that morning with light cramping, but didn’t think too much about it. I went about my day taking the boys to school and running errands. Mid-morning I noticed I was spotting and called labor and delivery and they said to watch it, but it didn’t necessarily mean I was in labor. The cramping starting feeling more like contractions as the day went on. My water broke with both boys so this was all new to me. I called Steve at work to tell him today might be the day, but told him there was no need to come home. I called my Mom too (who had just flown home the night before) telling her she might have to make a return trip faster than she thought.

That evening Steve got home from work and we took the kids to Costco to buy milk and get hotdogs for dinner.  By now the contractions were getting more intense and I didn’t have much doubt that I was going to have her that night. I called L&D on the way home, around 6:30 and they told me to come in. By then it was an hour until bedtime and we wanted to get the boys to sleep. We got them down and had a friend come over to stay with them and arrived at the hospital around 8:00 pm.

I was in triage for about 45 minutes before I was checked and was 4 cm dilated.  I told them repeatedly that I have babies VERY FAST and that we needed to get things moving. That my last son came in less than 3 hours and that I wanted a epidural this time. They said they’d admit me right away and call for the epidural. At this point the contractions were very uncomfortable, but I had enough time in between to still be feeling okay.

It took about another half hour before I was taken to my room. When I got to my room the nurse was ready to admit me and give me an I.V. The anesthesiologist was also there ready to administer the epidural. By this point it was one contraction on top of another and I was in a lot of pain. I asked the nurse to check me first before she admitted me. She did and was shocked that I was 8 cm. I went from a 4 to an 8 in a half hour. She was flustered trying to get me an I.V. and the anesthesiologist was still willing to do the epidural and was asking me questions. I couldn’t respond and told her to talk to Steve. I knew by this point I was going so fast that there was no way I was going to get that epidural and was begging the nurse to hurry and at least get me some fentanyl, but my I.V. was still not in.

5 minutes after checking me I told her that I felt a lot of pressure and my body was starting to push. My  water broke and I started to push. She said it wasn’t time to push yet (while she was putting in my I.V.) and I reached down and could feel Kendall’s head. The doctor was called in immediately, the anesthesiologist said goodbye and left and the doctor told me to push. I screamed loud (there might have been a few obscenities in there) and pushed once and felt her head, I screamed again and felt her shoulders, then one more scream and the rest of her came out. It took 10 minutes from the time when the nurse checked me and said I was an 8 to Kendall being delivered. After she came out the doctor asked how I felt and I was very dizzy. The nurse laughed and said that she hadn’t realized that the baby had been delivered and pushed the fentanyl after Kendall came out. So funny.

Kendall was born at 9:40 pm on October 22, 2013. She was 6 lbs. 9 oz and 19 inches long. She is absolutely perfect. We are thrilled to have our baby girl. Her brothers are so excited she is here and constantly want to hold her and love her. They are so excited to tell anyone and everyone about their new baby. At Carson’s request I have printed out several pictures for him and Luke to take to school, church and kids club at the gym. Carson is almost old enough to be a helper and is very sweet and gentle with her. Luke is starting to test his limits with her (i.e. how hard can I push her nose before she starts getting upset or Mom yells at me.) They are both a little emotional, more so Luke, and clingy to their Mom. Having grandmas around has not helped the need for Mom to be around all the time and for Mom to do everything. Luke is still not sleeping well in his big boy room. He has been more exhausting for us at night then Kendall.

Kendall latched on right away and is a very good nurser. She is a week old now and so far hasn’t been too fussy and has been sleeping very well at night. Hopefully she stays like that! My Mom came out for 5 days and Steve’s Mom is here right now for 5 days. My Dad is going to come next week for a few days, which is more for the boys. They are Grandpa boys. After he leaves Steve is going to do half days for 2 weeks, which will be wonderful. I feel good. My recovery has been quick. (The blessing of no epidural and a fast delivery I think.) As long as I can get a nap each day I’m great. We’ll see when/if I fall apart. Carson in school 5 days a week and Luke twice a week really helps. So do meals delivered by fantastic friends and friends helping with carpools and play dates. I feel extremely blessed and so lucky to have a wonderful husband, parents/parent-in-laws and 3 beautiful kids. Life is good. 


kelleyplus said...

You have such wonderful friends who love you because you are such a giver in this world!!!

kelleyplus said...

You have such wonderful friends who love you because you are such a giver in this world!!!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Holy smokes, that is quite a labor story!

So glad you have all of that help!

Aleena said...

Thanks for sharing! I loved reading the story! You sure do have babies fast! Congratulations!Beautiful Family! I miss you!

Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Love me some birth story action! Such an exciting and memorable entrance into the world little Kendall. Love her already!