Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bitter Sweet

For the past almost six years I've been serving in Young Womens (the last year as YW president). Last week I was released. It was time for me to be done, especially with a new baby. It comes as a relief, but also with some sadness. It will be nice to have my Wednesday nights back, have fewer meetings to attend, and not have the constant worry and concern for the girls. It was weird this past Wednesday not being there for mutual. They were planning for next year and I was sad thinking that I wouldn't be a part of it. I love each and every one of those girls and will miss being involved in their lives. I think working with the youth is the most important callings in the church as well as the funnest. With that said it is one of the most exhausting! Anyway, I'm not sure where I'm going here. I guess I want to say that it was a great honor to work with these girls over the years and the other YW leaders. Good thing I can still see them every Sunday =).


kelleyplus said...

Change is always a little difficult---just ask Carson!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I know exactly how you feel.

Now that I'm in primary - I have to say it's the BEST!

Heninger family said...

I'm sure those girls (and their moms:) will miss you and your positive influence in their lives.