We have now gotten to the point of tears during sacrament meeting because nursery is coming next. Today Carson was happy as can be to be at church until the opening song...His bottom lip came out and he burst into tears. It's because he knows that right before sacrament meeting is over we sing a song and then it is time for the dreaded nursery. The rest of the meeting consisted of him running out of the chapel to either of our cars wanting to go home, or tears during the many songs.
We had a friend take him in instead of us, which usually helps. She felt so bad for him she ended up staying for the 2 hours! The nursery leader did say that he eventually warmed up and played.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Before your suggestions just a quick recap: Steve and I spend the first 8 months in there with him because he hated it, then we finally cut the cord. It's been 4 weeks of going by himself. On average he hysterically cries for half of it and is okay for the other half. My big concern now is that he is going to start throwing tantrums about going to church period. I don't want to take any steps back though. That and Steve and I might possibly loose our minds if we have to be in there with him... Then there is baby #2 in 7 weeks... Why do we have kids again?
1 week ago
I'm so sorry...That stinks! Sometimes I ask myself the same question..Hopefully it will get better soon. I will say a little prayer for you!
someone warned me to never go in there from the get-go . . . so that worked for us with nate. i know, terrible advice for carson but maybe on round two? :)
There are plenty of kids who hate nursery so Carson is not the only one! I say stick to what you are doing and hopefully one day he'll realize that he's going to nursery whether he wants to or not so just have fun and play!
i'm thinking of ya.
Do not give in! I did singing time in nursery on Sunday and Carson was FINE! The more you stand your ground, the more he'll know that you mean what you say and he will get used to going to nursery. You've made it these four weeks, give it four more - just take it four weeks at a time. Remember you are breaking a habit that was going on for 8 months - a lifetime for a toddler. It might be slow but you should see improvement. You can do it!!! Great job!
ohhhhhhhh, that succcckkkkkkkssss. Okay, from the nursery leader's perspective, yes, it is really hard when the child is crying but I'm finding I am learning how to help them to stop...
Like I know one little girl will stop when I give her stickers, another one needs to rock in the chair and read a story, another one needs her dad to play with her for like 15 minutes and then she lets him go, another one needed us all to take a little "trip" around the building and sing songs. Basically I'm a sucker and will do whatever it takes to get them to stop, but point is, they do - I'm thinking if the leader can just give him some one-on-one and figure out his trigger hopefully he can just settle down and have fun? Uhhhh... does that help?
A little girl in our ward screams that she would rather go to time out than nursery. I laugh every week! However, I'm positive I wouldn't laugh if I was the mom.
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