Our mini-vacation to San Clemente was great. My sister and her family from out of state were staying with my parents at their timeshare for the week, and my other sister and her family live in Orange County- so it was great opportunity to see some family. Carson and I both had horrible colds which is no fun. Poor Carson had a ear infection too, which made the plane ride unbearable for him and for all the other passengers,it was the most stressful 65 minutes ever! I was happy to be driving back.We spent time at the pool and the beach. Carson has NO FEAR of water. It is a miracle his is still alive. At the pool he would be sitting on the steps and dunk his whole body/head under the water, then pop back up. He thought it was hilarious. The first day we went to the beach he took off running to the water (which is pretty cold) and ran in as deep as he could then threw himself under. He is one crazy kid. Good thing I was close or we could have lost him to the sea...He did this 3 or 4 more times before he decided to be a little more timid, not too timid, but just enough to keep him alive. Steve brought a shovel and holes were dug for hours. Nothing like playing in deep holes at the beach. I love the video below of Carson (with sand covering every inch of his body) stealing Noelle's dolly. Suck a rascal!
We found this great petting zoo by the San Juan Capistrano Mission and he got a kick out of feeding the animals and riding the train.
Both of my sisters' kids are adorable. Carson loved to follow around his "big kid cousins" Oliver and Noelle. Amilie, Becky's little girl, is the most smiley baby I have ever seen. She smiles and everyone all the time. She can also eat more sand then I thought was humanely possible. I love the video of Ollie feeding Carson cereal.
Before heading home yesterday we stopped in La Canada to see the latest developments on the house my parents are building. They bought this lot 7(+/-) years ago and after years of ridiculous loops to jump through, permits, etc, etc they are close to having it done and it is spectacular! I am very proud of my Dad for having the vision to design and create such an amazing thing. My mom is doing a fantastic job choosing all the cabinets, tile, paint, all the things that make a house a home. I can't wait to see it done whether they end up living in it or not. I'll make sure to post some pictures of the finished product in a few months.
okay seriously, I'm waiting for a call to hear about all these fun trips in person. My word you are having fun adventures!!! Love reading about them my dear.
That Carson is going to be a HUGE handfull in his teens. Nells misses Carson and has been saying "Carson is so so cute." She loves all of you so much. Thanks for coming down. It was like a mini family reunion.
by the way, the video of carson in the ocean is great - steve trying to catch him before he goes straight in.
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