This year we did Thanksgiving with my family. We met up at Zion National Park in Southern Utah. We had done this 4 years ago and had a blast! It is funny how things change. Back then there were only 2 in-laws and no grandkids. This time there were 4 in-laws, 5 grand kids (with 2 on the way) and one sister on a mission. We had a lot of fun. We stayed in cabins and spent our time hiking, 4-wheeling, horseback riding, playing card games, and enjoying our time together. Angel's Landing is always a fun hike. Poor Dad. He rolled his 4-wheeler and was thrown. He landed pretty hard on his back. My Mom made him go to the ER today and he fractured his 4th vertibre. He'll be fine, it's just going to take a few months to heal. Anyway, Steve and I realized that Southern Utah is REALLY FAR for us. We drove straight to Vegas on the way there and spent the night at our time share, which is really nice and we can't wait to get back. It was another 3 1/2 hours the next morning. On the way back we hit horrible traffic south of Vegas and ended up staying at Whiskey Pete's in Primm for the night. It was kind of fun though. My parents and the Facers stayed there too. They have great outlets and a hot tub. Sunday morning we drove to my parents house. That weekend was my 10 year high school reunion and I missed it because we were out of town. Sunday there was a picnic at the park for families so we went to that. It was a pretty sad turnout, but I was able to see a few friends that I hadn't seen in a while. I guess there is always the 20 year, right? We left at 7:00 pm and thought we'd be okay. We were wrong. It usually takes 5 hours to drive home, and it took us 8 last night. There were times on the 15 that I just put the car in park. It really sucked... So we had a fun Thanksgiving, but decided that we will never drive to Utah again for such a short trip!

great blog Leah. It was fun but the travel stinks!
Ah the good times! Sorry that driving was so terrible but it sure was nice to get to see you! And your craft was great! Would you mind emailing me the pictures of cody and I on top of angles? Love ya!
Fun! Amelie is way too cute, I have to see her someday. Looks like you guys had a great time...but I understand the driving to Utah thing...we drove there for Devin's aunts wedding and just were there for the weekend, it was too long of a drive. Kiss Carson for me :)
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