I have four upper teeth now, six total. Mom loves my new toothy grin. I am so good at standing and do it all the time. I’ve started to take a few steps towards Mom or Dad while in the process of falling… At least I am trying it out. I’ve started talking a lot more. I am learning how to make new sounds and I love to hear myself screech and yell! Whenever I am in the bath or shower I scream as loud as I can. It sounds really cool because of the echo. I am so fast going up the stairs and LOVE to do it! The problem is I don’t know how to go down. Every time mom has taken me to the Kids Klub at her gym this month I’ve thrown a fit. They have to go find her to come and get me. Mom’s not sure why I am being such a stinker about it, because I love playing with other kids and am not afraid of strangers. I am finally sleeping through the night now! It only took two nights of crying myself back to sleep. Mom is in heaven! She says she should have done it months ago. I have a new obsession with my hair. I rub it and run my fingers through it all day long, especially when I am eating. I love to rub all my food in it. Speaking of food, I love it. My favorites are pears, lunchmeat, eggs, and of course- as always, Cheerios. I can eat an entire pear by myself in one sitting. My morning routine is always the same. After Mom nurses me I 1) pull the nightlight in my room out of the socket, 2) knock my fan over, and 3) pull all the books out of my book shelve. After those three things are done I’m ready for the day! One of the things I think is really funny is the hose attachment to the vacuum. I love the way the suction feels. Mom puts it on my tummy and hand and I just laugh and laugh. One of the other things I love to do is dunk my head underwater while I am taking my bath. I just do it for two seconds and come back up. Mom thinks it is pretty funny. I have no fear of the water. I am such a happy guy and get a kick out of life!
1 week ago
I can't believe he's almost ONE! That's a great picture of him. It really shows his personality, I think!
Leah! I loved reading this. How funny (probaby not to you) that he gets kicked out of Kids Club. And I can totally relate with the morning routine and food in the hair. What a great age!
P.S. I loved the videos!
i'm glad that worked for you. :)
its pretty pathetic that i know so much about blogging though huh? i have way too much time on my hands. and i canNOT believe that carson will be ONE the next time i see him. i feel like you just had him. time is seriously going by so fast recently!
I love the description because I can just imagine in my head all those things he's working on. He is such a busy guy! Miss you guys, can't wait for Zion's.
Carson looks so big in this picture. What a handsome little baby boy! He could end up being Noelle's secret crush. J/K
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