So much has changed over the last month. I have two bottom teeth and they are very sharp. I love to chew on people’s fingers, but for some reason they won’t let me anymore! I am crawling too. I’ve gotten really good at it. I love being able to crawl from one side of the room to the other. I am making all sorts of messes now. I like to take all the CDs and DVDs out from the TV armoire and scatter them. I also love to unwind the toilet paper in the bathroom. Mom and Dad can’t keep up with me, I am unstoppable! I’ve discovered that I can pull myself onto things. I climb walls and furniture and anything else I can. I am falling down A LOT now. It hurts and scares me, but after Mom or Dad cuddles me a little bit I am right back up. I am getting bumps and bruises all over my body. I love solid foods. I can’t eat my rice cereal fast enough and love all my baby food. This past week Mom’s been letting me eat little rice puffs. She puts one at a time in my mouth and I try to chew it just like a big boy. My napping and night time sleeping isn’t the best. I’ve been grumpy lately because I am getting more teeth. Mom says I should be taking two long naps a day- but I still want three shorter ones. I should be sleeping through the night now, but I still like to get up and eat. I am not as good as I was at going to sleep on my own. Mom and Dad said that I developed some bad sleeping habits because we’ve been out of town so much. I love to go to the store with Mom. It is really fun to sit in the cart and see all the lights, colors and people. I am a very good boy in the car now. My new favorite sound is “guh”. I say it all the time and am proud I can make the G sound. I like to join in on conversations and love to sing along when Mom sings to me or when the congregation sings at church. I've discovered my ears this month and am constantly pulling and tugging at them. I want Mom and Dad to either hold me or play with me all the time. I can be quite demanding. My new favorite game is peek-a-boo. I love to be tickled under my arms, the tops of my thighs, on my feet, and on the back of my ribs. I love when my Dad throws me in the air and I love to go upside down. Mom says I am a adrenaline junkie! ( I had to do 3 pictures this time. I started undressing him and thought he was so cute in his shirt and tie I had to snap another shot.)
1 week ago
I really look forward to these updates! Are you coming? Becky says YES.
I don't know how I got on Tom's . This is Mom!
How cute is he! The fun is starting when they can make all kinds of messes! :)
I still need to meet this dude.
Ah he is so CUTE! I need to meet him soon!
He is VERY darling! I didn't think he could get cuter, but he's proving me wrong.
You were right. The diapers and tie picture was a must add. What a little cutie you have on your hands!
He is so cute! Thanks for doing such a great post for him. It's fun to learn about all the new things he is doing.
He is so seriously cute. These pictures are totally Steve to me, he is really starting to grow. So are you coming here this week or are you ready for a trip break. Sleeping does get totally messed up, it's rough. We miss you guys. I want to kiss that boys face.
It's funny how you talk about Carson in first person. It's like how mom used to write our baby journals. He is such a mini Steve. I hardly see any of you in him now. What a cutie.
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