I am a very wiggly little boy. I love to kick my legs and flail my arms when I get excited. I also giggle and coo. I am growing into a very cute little boy. I went to the doctor this week and I weigh 16 lbs. 5 oz. (74%) and I am 2 feet 2.5 inches tall (92%). I am already wearing my 6 month clothes. I love playing in my exercsaucer and my johhny-jump-up. My legs are getting so much stronger and I enjoy standing on them. I am starting to reach for objects and put things in my mouth. I am always sucking on my fingers and fist. Mom & Dad think I am even spitting-up less, hurray! I’ve been waking-up to eat once a night, usually around 3:00 am, and then I wake-up for good around 7:00. I’ve been napping better because Mom finally figured out that I was sleeping too much at night and that is why I wouldn’t take good naps. She shortened my night time sleep and I’ve been doing much better. I take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning, 1-2 hours in the early afternoon, then a 1 hour nap in the early evenings. I eat less often now too. Every 4 hours. I am a very social boy and love to be around people who hold and talk to me, but when I get tired I only want to be at home in my own bed! I don’t sleep in my carseat or stroller, I just like my crib. I hate the carseat. I throw a screaming fit when Mom straps me in to run arons. I don’t like being in the back seat all by myself, staring at nothing. Mom can’t wait until I am big enough for a front facing carseat. She hopes that will fix the problem. When I was first born everyone said I look like Dad, but now that I am older everyone says I look just like my Mom.
1 week ago
hes the same age katherine was at the beach!
Look at those cheeks!
He looks so much like you! It's crazy! VERY cute, as usual!
He's holding it!! Oh my gosh Leah, they grow up so fast! Enjoy it now, before you know it, the tantrums will start!!
the smile! the smile!! Oh, he is so cute. Miss him already. (and you of course! :))
He is SO cute!
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