Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One Month Old

Each month I am going to take a picture of Carson holding an index card saying how old he is and I am going to write a monthly update. Here it goes!

I am growing so fast, mom and dad are amazed! I sure am a good eater. I eat about every three hours. I usually wake up around 8:00, eat breakfast and like to stay awake until my next feeding at 11:00, even though mom wants me to take a nap! I like to take a long nap in the afternoons and a shorter one in the evenings. When I wake up I like to stretch out my arms, legs and neck. Mom and dad think it is really cute! I love to be wrapped tightly in my mom’s carrier and observe all that is going on. Most of the time I end up falling asleep in there. I like to go with mom when she runs her arons and am very well behaved. The best part of my day is when dad gets home and talks to and holds me. I love to suck on my pacifiers, but still can’t keep them in my mouth by myself. Once I was six weeks old I started smiling at mom. She loves when I smile at her! I go to sleep for the night around 9:00 and have started sleeping four hours until I am hungry again. Sometimes I only wake-up twice a night and mom and dad are so proud! Mom says I am a very peaceful little boy. Everyone thinks I am cute and love to hold me. I like to snuggle and love it when mom and dad hold me close and talk softly to me. I’ve already met my Grandma and Grandpa Kelley, all my Kelley aunts, uncles, and cousins, and my Grandma Bonner. It’s fun having such a big family. I can’t wait to meet all the Bonners. I am a very good baby and mom and dad love me so much!

Make sure to check out the other new post below.


kelleyplus said...

The blanket perfects the shot! He is looking so grown up. A real doll baby.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I have to say . . . looking back . . . that the cards are quite handy. There's never a question as to how old he is! :)

California Blakes said...

Leah! I'm so sad we missed you last week. We had a crazy week. There was literally never a free moment. Christmas always seems to be that way. Plus, my boys got sick so you probably wouldn't have wanted them near Carson. Let me know when you come to SOCAL again! Carson is a doll! Love the pictures!

Kimberlee said...

I love this picture and the idea. Wish I would have thought of it sooner...I'm 2 kids behind!! He's a cutie!